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English translation for "application for credit"


Related Translations:
credits:  (贷记):将一定金额记入账户的右方。对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启及鸣谢者姓名工作人员开发小组摄制人员名单书中所引材料出处说明演职会表引用图文出处职员表制作组名单
credited:  记入贷方
credit:  n.1.信用,信任。2.名誉,名望,声望。3.赞扬,称许;光荣,功劳,勋绩,荣誉。4.信贷;赊销;贷款;存款;债权。5.【会计】贷方(金额)〔略 Cr.〕 (opp. debit)。6.〔美国〕(某科目)学分及格证;〔俚语〕优等。7.【商业】活支汇信,信用状 (=letter of credit)。8.【美无】广告。短语和例子a man of credit德高望重的人。 a
credit application:  信贷申请表信用证申请书
application:  n.1.适用,应用;运用。2.申请,请求;申请表格。3.勤勉,用功。4.敷用;敷用药。短语和例子a written application 申请书。 an application for admission (to a school) 入学申请。 fill out an application 填写申请表。 He shows very little application
applications:  留学申请相关入学申请申请区应用领域主动式文件应用程序
credits credit titles:  对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名
Example Sentences:
1.Application for credit insurance for goods export to oversea countries
2.An unemployed man was sentenced to eight months imprisonment for conspiracy to defraud a bank by making fraudulent applications for credit cards
3.The above - mentioned restriction should not apply to new applications for credit made by a borrower to the credit provider during the transition period
4.Two unemployed men were respectively jailed for 15 months and nine months for conspiring to make fraudulent applications for credit cards from banks
5.We advised , among other things , that they should not normally dispense with income proof in considering applications for credit cards . we also advised that banks should re - assess the effectiveness of their credit scoring models and other forms of credit analysis in predicting bankruptcies
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